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                类型: 剧情
                导演: 马丁·里特




                Rose Bianco, (Sophia Loren) a florist widowed from a famous gangster, looks for happiness with widower Frank Valente (Anthony Quinn).


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                  简介:  阿浪从小□便失去了母亲,父母是考古工作者,专门研究古楼兰文化。一次意外,母亲在沙漠中走失,从此阿浪父亲一蹶不振。阿浪长大后决定要完成母亲的心愿,亲自去走一走母亲当年走过的路。但是父亲却不同意,阿浪独自一人走上了探寻母亲梦想的道路。没多久,阿浪便由于经验不足,在沙漠中越来越艰难出现幻觉,晕倒在沙漠,当阿浪再次↓醒来时,发现父亲在自己身边,与父亲一番交谈后,父亲尊重阿浪的想法决定陪阿浪一起,走一走当年走过的路。父子二人踏上旅途......
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                  简介:  根据乌克兰同名小说改编。少年维塔亚被吸入了1000年前的天门,要返回现世,必须获取佩龙之心,召唤神的力量,但是佩龙之心却被万恶的库曼族抢走。他们招出了石头巨人,欲统治世界……
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                  简介:  In &quot;Upside-Down Magic, a Disney Channel Original Movie, 13-year-old Nory Boxwood Horace discovers she can flux into animals, and her best friend Reina Carvajal can manipulate flames. Together, they enter the Sage Academy for Magical Studies. Reina&#39;s expert ability to harness the power of fire lands her at the top of her class of &quot;Flares,&quot; but Nory&#39;s wonky magic and proclivity for turning into a &quot;Dritten&quot;-a half-kitten, half-dragon-lands her in a class for those with Upside-Down Magic, otherwise known as UDM. While Headmaster Knightslinger believes the UDM&#39;s unconventional powers leave them vulnerable to dangerous and evil &quot;shadow magic,&quot; Nory and her fellow UDM classmates set out to prove that Upside-Down Magic beats right side up.
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                  简介:  When a young hiker stumbles onto an isolated farm after losing her way on the Appalachian Trail, she is taken in by a strange yet beautiful couple desperate to protect a secret deep in the mountains.
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                  简介:  「いなくなれ、群青」で第8回大学▓読書人大賞を受賞した河野裕氏のデビュー小説「サクラダリセット」シリーズが実写映画化されることになり、野村周平と黒島結菜が主演することが明らかになった。「神様のカルテ」「先生と迷い猫」の深川栄洋監督がメガホンをとり、体験したことは決して忘れない「記憶保持」の能力を持つ高校生?浅井ケイと、世界を最大3日分巻き戻す「リセット」能力を持つ女子高生?春埼美空の物語を、前後編の2部作で紡ぐ。


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